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Project # CFHWY00012 / Federal # 0537(008)

What's New

Spring 2024 Update
Construction on this project has been pushed to at least 2027.

This additional time will be used to reevaluate the scope of the project and:

  • Update traffic projections
  • Coordinate timing with the AMATS Academy/Vanguard project
  • Reexamine the Diverging Diamond Interchange to determine if it is the best fit for the O'Malley interchange


Welcome to the website for the Seward Highway: O'Malley Road to Dimond Boulevard project.

Project Description

This is the third in a series of projects to improve capacity, safety, access, and connectivity on the Seward Highway between Rabbit Creek Road and 36th Avenue. For more information on the project history and background, click here.

This design includes the following elements:

  • Expansion of the Seward highway from two to three through lanes in each direction.
  • A Diverging Diamond Interchange at O’Malley Road.
  • A grade-separated undercrossing at Scooter Avenue/Academy Drive.
  • Improved and new pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

These improvements will:

  • Improve safety throughout the project corridor.
  • Improve connections between both sides of the highway and improve access to the Dimond Center retail district for both pedestrians and vehicles.
  • Add new bike and pedestrian routes and enhance existing connections throughout the project corridor.
  • Increase capacity at the O’Malley Road interchange.
  • Incorporate intersection safety improvements at the Dimond Boulevard interchange.

Click here to view the full corridor roll plot (7 mb).

Cross Section: